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Make Money Online: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Make Money Online - A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Most people are aware of the potential to earn substantial income from home, but few realize that it's achievable without the need for creating a website, launching a Shopify store, risking large sums on "shady schemes," or even appearing on camera. This comprehensive tutorial will unveil precisely how this is accomplished.

The primary obstacle hindering most individuals is their inability to maintain focus and commitment. They get sidetracked, flit between videos, delve into comments, or jump to the next video. This constant switching prevents them from dedicating themselves to a single online business, leading to a lack of financial success.

Introducing Link Slay & Sniply: Earn Money Online

There exists a tool named Link Slay that offers remuneration when you shorten links and someone clicks on them. The reason for this payment is that when a user clicks, they are presented with advertisements, and they have the option to skip these ads. Link Slay shares the advertising revenue with you.

The steps to get started are straightforward:

  1. Sign up for Link Slay: Click the signup button (proof of payments is readily available).
  2. Create an Account: After signing up, create an account and proceed to click "New Shorten Link."
  3. Sniply: Sign up for Sniply, a platform that empowers you to add a call to action to any shortened link you share. This is particularly beneficial as it enables you to leverage any website to attach your own call to action using your links, thereby earning money from other people's websites.
  4. Get Started for Free: A 14-day free trial is available, following which a monthly subscription of $19 is required. You have the option to cancel after the free trial to avoid incurring any charges.

Audible Affiliate Program: Earn Money Online

Audible provides an affiliate program that rewards you with $5 when someone registers for a free account (they receive two complimentary books). Additionally, you earn $10 if someone subscribes to Audible.

Here's how to join the program:

  1. Become an Affiliate: Create an Audible account and click "Become an Affiliate."
  2. Track Your Earnings: You can monitor your earnings within your Audible account.
  3. Site Stripe: Navigate to "Site Stripe" to create links for promoting specific Audible books.

Finding Popular Books: Earn Money Online

To effectively promote books, identifying popular titles is crucial. Two powerful tools can assist in this endeavor:

  1. Cloudy AI: This free AI tool, similar to ChatGPT, provides more accurate and up-to-date information. Inquire about the "most popular books this year."
  2. Google Gemini: Leveraging Google data, this tool showcases the most popular books.

Creating Your Sniply Links: Earn Money Online

Once you have a popular book in mind, it's time to create your Sniply links:

  1. Find Blog Articles: Search Google for blog articles that discuss the popular book you aim to promote.
  2. Create a Sniply Snip:
    1. Paste the link to the blog article into Sniply.
    2. Click "Continue."
    3. Click "Add to Call to Action."
    4. Click "Static Call to Action."
    5. Click "Continue."
    6. Click "Add a New Call to Action."
    7. Name it "Audible 1."
    8. Paste your Audible affiliate link into the "Call to Action Link" field.
    9. Enter the headline "Get this book for free and claim two free books on Audible."
    10. Click "Launch" to add your call to action to the website.

Sharing Your Sniply Links: Earn Money Online

With your Sniply links ready, it's time to start sharing them to generate clicks and earnings:

  1. Social Media: Share your shortened Sniply links across various social media platforms, including G.
  2. Facebook Book Clubs: Join book clubs on Facebook and share the links, accompanying them with a message like "Here's a full review of this book, what are your thoughts?"
  3. Blog Articles:
    1. ChatGPT: Utilize ChatGPT to generate a 2,000-word blog article titled "Book Review - [Book Title]" using the book's name as a keyword.
    2. Humanize AI: Paste the blog article into Humanize AI to rewrite it for Medium.
    3. Medium: Share your rewritten article on Medium.

Maximizing Earnings: Earn Money Online

To maximize your earnings, consider these additional strategies:

  1. Steemit: Share your blog article on Steemit and be compensated for traffic.
  2. Medium: Share your rewritten blog article on Medium to drive traffic.
  3. Shorten Links: Use Link Slay to shorten your Sniply links and get paid for clicks.


Building a thriving online business demands effort and patience, but the rewards are substantial.

Call to Action

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