Earn Money Online Selling Digital Products with School Communities

Earn Money Online Selling Digital Products with School Communities

Earn Money Online Selling Digital Products with School Communities

There's a new way complete beginners are making money selling digital products, even in school! In fact, many individuals are generating over $70,000 a month with their school communities. This blog post will provide a comprehensive step-by-step tutorial to guide you through the process of starting, growing, and operating an entire business on School, aiming to build it up to $10,000 a month as passively as possible. This guide is written by someone who has achieved multiple six figures on School by selling online communities and digital products.

What is School?

School is a community platform that offers a unique opportunity to discover free and paid communities. You can also build your own communities and sell digital products within them. Some individuals have even managed to earn a full-time living selling communities and digital products on School. To try School for free, you can use a referral link that provides $250 worth of bonuses, including a mini-course on how to make money on School, a step-by-step guide, and a YouTube automation training program. By using a referral link, you directly support the creators behind this content.

Earn Money Online: The Right Approach to School

Many people make a common mistake when starting with School. They often rely on paid traffic sources like ads or social media followers to build a paid community and then direct users from those platforms to the paid School community. This approach might not be the most effective or profitable. The most successful strategy involves building an organic traffic source. This could be an audience on a YouTube channel or another free platform. You can nurture this audience with free resources and valuable content within a free community. By offering high-quality free content, you can gain trust and loyalty from your audience, making them more likely to convert to paid members or purchase digital products.

Building a Free Community

By creating a free community with valuable resources, you can build a large following and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your niche. This approach can lead to a significant number of conversions to paid memberships or digital product purchases. You can offer paid digital products within your free community by creating courses that are accessible to members. These courses can be designed to provide more in-depth content or exclusive insights. The key is to provide high-quality free content that benefits your audience and positions you as an expert in your niche. This strategy allows you to leverage the power of organic traffic and establish trust with your audience, increasing the likelihood of them investing in your paid offerings.

Earn Money Online: Niche Selection & The Unicorn Twist

To successfully build a School community, you need to identify your target audience and their needs. A crucial aspect of this process is to determine your "Unicorn Twist." This is a unique angle or approach that sets you apart from other communities and offers something truly valuable to your audience. This can be a specific technique, a unique method, or an innovative solution that addresses a pain point or desire within your chosen niche.

Creating Your School Community

To start your own community on School, simply click "Create a Community." You'll need to provide a name for your group and start a free trial. A 14-day free trial is available to allow you to test the platform before committing to a paid subscription. If you decide that School is not right for you, you can cancel your subscription within the trial period. You can fully customize your School community by accessing the settings bar. Here, you can set a group name, change the logo and cover photo, write a group description, and select a caller. If you plan to charge for your community, you can connect your bank account to the subscription section. School also features a leaderboard that encourages active participation within communities.

Earn Money Online: Affiliate Links & Additional Income

Another way to increase your income with School communities is through affiliate marketing. You can create posts in your community that promote tools or resources relevant to your target audience. These posts can include affiliate links, allowing you to earn commissions for each successful referral.

Content Creation & MVP

While many School communities rely on PDF guides and text courses, creating video courses can be a more engaging and effective way to deliver valuable content. To streamline the content creation process, consider using AI tools like ChatGPT. This can help you generate written content for PDF guides or text courses. It's essential to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for your paid community. This means starting with a simple, yet effective product that you can iterate on based on feedback from your audience.

Earn Money Online: Traffic Acquisition Strategies

The top earners on School primarily leverage YouTube to promote their communities. Many successful creators have created faceless YouTube channels, where they don't show their faces in videos. Instead, they focus on providing valuable content that attracts viewers and directs them to their School communities. Instagram can also be a successful traffic source. The key is to create engaging content that resonates with your target audience and effectively showcases the value of your School community.

By following the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can successfully build and monetize a School community, earning a passive income stream while providing valuable content to your audience. Remember, the key to success is to focus on building trust, providing high-quality content, and consistently engaging with your audience.
